- -6%
By pollinating the killer mother Malawi with an incensed and fruity Tikal F5, we have recreated Guawi: a highly vigorous, productive and powerful F1 sativa hybrid that combines excellent sativas from Africa and America.
This updated version of Guawi enhances all previous versions we have made to date of this limited edition, which has only been available for short periods of time in the last decade.
Tikal (with 75% Guatemalan genetics) gives Malawi a stronger, more compact structure, larger flowers and shorter flowering time, considerably improving the African flavour of the original Malawi with its profile of highly worked fruit terpenes with mango, peach and strawberry gum.
We recommend Guawi to all growers who are looking for sativas with high vigour, high production, terpene complexes, maximum potency and long-lasting psychedelic effects. THC concentrations are always high or very high: between 17-23 %.