Banana Bomb
Banana Bomb

Banana Bomb von Bomb Seeds

40,00 €

Take Cover – Banana Bomb Incoming! For straight up power and impact there is nothing quite like Banana Bomb. To pass the Bomb Seeds test any new strain has to be more than just potent, it has to be the complete package, strength, yield and an amazing taste to boot. Banana Bomb ticks every box.

  • 5 feminisierte
  • 10 feminisierte


We have crossed our award winning signature THC Bomb with the stickiest of Banana Kush mothers to create the smoothest Kush hybrid out there. As both parents were already well known for both their yield and power, we wanted to ensure that we hit the holy trinity with a taste that is of equal calibre; and in its three year breeding program we cracked it. Massive buds spring from every branch and sit beautifully covered in crystals, but it’s the aroma that is truly special. The sweet tropical banana scent lies heavily on the air from the very first stage of flowering, evolving into a more spicy “classic Kush” aroma yet still maintaining the sweet fruitiness that’s so unique.

It is a strong variety of cannabis, have no doubt. Even in basic setups with normal soil and little feeding you can expect very satisfactory yields of flowers that will clock in at over 20% THC.

This strain will hold onto its more established indica stone although it is particularly felt as more of a head buzz to start with. It’s not an instant couch lock and will definitely leave you able to contemplate the world even after extended use. That being said, the more calming, sedative qualities of the Kush lineage will mean that even though your mind stays active you may still prefer a comfy couch to chill on.

When grown indoors take some consideration to training because, although it’s not a huge plant, it can stretch if left to its own devices. Normally topping out at around 120-140 cms indoors, if you grow outdoors with plenty of sunlight and good soil this fruity lady will often get 3m or more in height.

Banana Bomb is exactly what you need if you are looking for a big potent strain but want to take it to another level of flavour – Mmmmm tasty!

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